6/12 20:05 Keito

Keito G-Cup|T158|B91|W55|H85

It\’s a beautiful day today, too!




On a day like this, I want to relax on the terrace and have a café latte,

or relax at home with the curtains open.


Kate is a company animal today too. But Kate is working today as well. LOL!



But I can go visit the store at night.

I\’m looking forward to that ♡.



There will be a slight change in my environment from now on,

I will take better care of myself than ever before.

I\’m looking forward to working hard and having fun at the store.

I will do my best while enjoying my activities at the store and being in good health. *P.



I hope that you, the senior masters in my life, will continue to support

Please let Kate\’s sexiness and

I hope you will help me to improve my sexiness and human power as an adult.


I\’ll see you later.


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